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WordPress Developer

This is the position contract and KPI document for WordPress Developer. This document will be treated as your onboarding & training program.


WordPress Developer

Key Performance Indicators

  • Office reporting time: 10:15 AM
  • Attend all standups on time at 10:30 AM
  • Understand requirements given by the graphics team
  • Convert comprehensive layout and wireframes into working HTML pages
  • Follow the standard checklists and processes to develop the page
  • Develop pixel perfect wordpress pages (pixel to pixel mapping)
  • Maintain global and local templates of Elementor
  • Unit testing of each page on
    • Mobile device (responsive) – Android & iOS both
    • Tablet device (responsive) – Android & iOS both
    • Large desktop/laptop screens
    • Regular desktop/laptop screens
    • Cross-browser compatibility testing – Chrome, Firefox, Safari
  • Monitoring the performance of the live website
  • Update plugins regularly
  • Metrics to keep track of
    • Website speed (improved growth)
    • Website security issues (there should be no security threats at all)
    • Website downtime per month has to be as minimum as possible
    • Check all lead capture pages & whether they are functioning properly
    • Keep eye on 
    • Check some pages explicitly where the page is leaving its CSS after every few days
    • You will follow a checklist to review recurring pages
    • Send an email to Marketing Head after checking these pages and if you fix anything then what you fixed those details
  • Troubleshooting graphics issues
  • Speed optimization of the website and individual pages
  • Regular Backup of the website & proper storage – twice a month
  • Ensure high-performance and availability, and manage all technical aspects of the CMS
  • Formulate an effective, responsive design and turn it into a working theme and plugin
  • Do not update or add any plugin withou Marketing Head approval.
  • Generating WordPress themes and plugins
  • Designing and managing the website back-end including database and server integration
  • Must handle CSS, theme issues with CSS, Bootstrap, HTML5, Backend & PHP

Basic Guidelines

  • In case of in-completion of work, emergency, and high priority issues, you are supposed to work on weekends
  • Increments happen every year and that is monitored based on above mentioned KPIs. So it is highly recommended that you are fully aware of all your responsibilities and Key Performance Indicators
  • If you think out of the box, implement new things in the website which is benefiting the overall website – then those points will be considered as great performance
  • Apply ideas whenever you are working on repeated stuff, think out of the box, and be creative
  • Work fast, accelerate your speed, analyze yourself in terms of performance
  • Marketing Head will always be there to help you out, train you, and achieve your goals

Reporting Manager

Marketing Head – Vinay Kardile

Mentor/UX Reviewer

Graphics Designer – Sadhna Gaikwad


Daily Report

Please use this reporting format for Daily and Weekly/Monthly reports.

Site Metrics Report – Weekly

Weekly reporting of the website

Day #1 Training

Read the following article to understand the product and vision of the company.

Read this article for a better understanding on how a user interact with your website (use this tips and tricks while developing the page and website)

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