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Form properties

Sr#FeaturesWebAndroidiOSIs Property/Widget/Step added?Description
1Custom Label – TitleNoYesYesYesThis will add the custom title for the form.
2Custom Label – SubTitleNoYesYesYesThis will add the custom subtitle for the forms.
3Form multi languageNoYesNoYesThis will enable form for multiple languages.
4Form IconYesYesYesYesThis will set the icon to the form.
5BehaviorsYesYesNoYesThis is used to add the event and calendar behaviors.
6Form ScriptNoYesYesYes
7Widget Layout (Textbox, Choice list, Date picker, Barcode, Timestamp)NoYesNoYesThis is used to set the layout (One line/Two line) for the widget.
8onValueEdit (Textbox)NoYesNoYes
9Choices (Plain text, numeric, address, phone, decimal, Date picker, Barcode)NoYesNoYesThis is used to set the choices to the mentioned widget types.
10Default Choice (Fixed choice list)NoYesNoYesThis is used to set the default choice to the fixed choice list.
11Allow Barcode/QR code search(bar_qr_search)NoYesNoYesThis is used to search the choices using qrcode/barcode.
12Download when selected(Reference list)NoYesNoYes
13Show Location(For reference widget)NoYesNoYesThis is used to show the map in the reference list.
14Apply GeofenceNoYesNoYes
15Image fixed ListNoYesNoYesThis is used to show the image choices in the choice list.
16Sticky Group (Group header)NoYesNoYes
17Subtype (Group header)NoYesNoYesThis is used to make the group header collapsible. Group header will be collapsible when you select “Header” option to this property.
18Include Notes? (Photo)NoYesNoYesThis is used to enable/disable the include notes functionality for the annotations.
19Allowed File type (Document)YesYesNoYesThis is used to specify the file type for the document to choose.
20File size limit (Document)NoYesNoYes
21Point Selection(GPS)NoYesNoYesThis is used to enable/disable the Point selection for the map.
22Polygon Selection (GPS)NoYesNoYesThis is used to enable/disable the Polygon selection for the map.
23Poly line Selection (GPS)NoYesNoYesThis is used to enable/disable the Poly line selection for the map.
24Map zoom level (GPS)NoYesNoYes
25Date format (Date, date time, timestamp)YesYesNoYes
26Language (Widget)NoYesNoYes
27Static media (Widget)YesYesNoYes
28Text Editable (Barcode)YesYesNoYes
29Scan QR Codes? (Barcode)NoYesNoYes
30Device Profiles (Barcode)NoYesNoYes
31Default Device Profile (Barcode)NoYesNoYes
32Show Inline List (Child, child_show_inline)NoYesNoYes
33Auto Number (Widget)YesYesNoYes
34Verification (Widget)NoYesNoYes
35Geofence (Widget)NoYesNoYes
36Apply Geofence (Widget)NoYesNoYes
37Payment (Widget)YesNoNoYes
38Generate reportYesNoYes
39Help text for widgetsNoYesNoYes
40Font SizeNoYesNoYes
41Place HolderNoYesNoYes
42Is this field searchable?YesNoYes
43On value changeNoYesNoYes
44Copy FieldNoYesYesYes
45Copy Field in AdhocNoYesNoYes
47Value display modeNoYesYesYes
48Default Help ModeNoYesNoYes
49Increase indent byNoYesNoYes
50List FilterYesYesNoYes
51“Entry mode” (Subform)NoYesNoYes
52Allow futureNoYesNoYesThis property is used to restrict future date selection.
53Allow pastNoYesNoYesThis property is used to restrict past date selection.
54Allow Multiple Email IDs?NoYesNoYesThis property is used to allow multiple email ids entry in the email type textbox.
55Form/Field ShortcutYesNoYesIt is used to create a shortcut of the form field or form.
56Allow browsingNoYesNoYesIt is used to hide or show the browse button of photo widget.
57Show TimestampNoYesNoYesIt is used to show the timestamp on the captured photo.
58“Multi-Selection” property to Textbox and Barcode widget when choices are present.YesNoYesIt is used to make the choice multi selectable.
59Allow Ad hoc?YesNoYesIt is used to restrict the
Ad hoc submission on the asset.
60Record Limit Type?
Record Limit?
Restriction Mode?
YesNoYesIt is used to apply restrictions on adding child records in the child widget.

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