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Platform Enhancement


Axonator is a platform for building mobile forms and their workflows. We have certain parameters to improve this platform. Solution developers will enlist the improvements in the given document and the development team will work on these points to improve the working of the platform and to make this product user-friendly. To notify everyone about the platform enhancement after a specific time period we will create one event.


Once in a week


Notify developers about these enhancements once in a week by email in below format:

To: Aarohi Kulkarni <>, Jayesh Kitukale <>

CC: Vinay Kardile <>, Jayesh Patil <>, Sushmita Kanthale <>

You need to mention the category with respect to the priority on the basis of the following points:

  1. Frequency of error occurrence. (Daily, weekly, once for a client, etc.)
  2. The time required to solve this error. (In reference to the Solution Developers)
  3. Error severity.
  4. Ripple effect of that error on the platform.

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