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Sprint report format

At the end of every sprint, a sprint report is sent to the entire team via email to have a clear, transparent performance evaluation system.

Sprint report email consist of 2 tables-

  1. Sprint completion report
  2. Sprint task report
  1. Sprint completion report

Sprint completion report can have the columns like Team member, No of tasks, Done tasks, Pending tasks, No of bugs, Done bugs, Pending bugs which helps to get the exact status of the sprint. For example-

Sprint 2 completion report-

Team memberNo of tasksDone tasksPending tasksNo of bugs Done bugsPending bugs
Apoorva Golhar120903252104

2. Sprint tasks report

Sprint tasks report gives the complete status of a specific task. And this report can have the columns like Issue type, Key, Summary, Assignee, Priority, Created on, Linked issues, Updated on, Hours, Status.

It can be spreadsheet which is taken from JIRA tool. Or a normal spreadsheet. Attached sample sheet which is taken from JIRA.


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