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SalesBook (V0.1)

Document Revision History

Document VersionRevision DateAuthorRevision Notes
0.110/24/2020Vinay KardileHigh level points are added into the SalesBook where activities that are needed in sales are covered with important guidelines, standards, etc

Here are the high level chapters and the sub topics in it.

Disclaimer: Following are the high-level chapters that we can count under sales stages. It will contain stages, their respective processes, reports, examples, screenshots, etc. Once this is finalized we will elaborate it more.

Product Understading

What is Axonator?

What is WhiteSnow?

Our Customers

Why Axonator

Communications Guidelines

Email and SLA Etiquette

  • At least acknowledge to messages and say things like I will get back to you shortly etc

English Tips

English Phrases Alternatives Images (Shared by JK)

US, UK and India – English words, phrases chart

What to Say When? (Need to add more from WhatsApp Chat)

Do not to use the word revert.

Sales team is using the word connect too much. And it is wrong. They have to say: contact/call/meet etc.

Guidelines (contains grammar, writing standards)

  • Can I share “with” you and then there must be ? At the end of a question
  • Never make mistakes in spellings of clients name, company name
  • Proper names must have first letter capital
  • Every question must be ended by question mark
  • Grammar and English guidelines document

High-Level Sales Tips

  1. Add sales tips from WhatsApp chat
  2. Sales tips that we came across or learned from our last 3 years of experience while dealing with Datamyte, JHU, YRG, Udaan, CLR, etc
  3. Solution development standard process -> Requirement Gathering -> Build forms -> Collect Data for one or two weeks -> then go for report building, etc
    Notes: Add more from JK chat

1. Lead Generation and Nurturing

Important and Mandatory: Keep Jayesh’s LinkedIn account active. Add all target audiences, add our inbound leads, etc

Generate Contacts

Sources of Getting Leads

  • Inbound
    • Sign Ups
    • Online Inquiries (Tawk)
    • Social Media
    • Youtube Videos
    • Paid Ads
      • Lead generation using Ebook/Webinar
      • Google ads
      • LinkedIn, Twitter, & Facebook ads
      • Promot Unique Content
      • Press Releases
    • Quora (Q-A Sites)
    • Content Sharing
      • Blogging
      • Post on
  • Outbound
    • Contact Generation
    • LinkedIn Approach
      • Relationship building
    • Email Campaigns
    • Sponsor Events or Schedule Event
    • Buy Contacts
      • Online tools like – UpLead
      • Contact generation companies like – Navin Shukla, BTB, etc

Buyers Persona

  • List of potential connectors – who will help us to connect to right person
  • List of designations we need to search and approach


Category of Leads

  • Platinum
  • Gold
  • Bronze

How to collect contacts effectively and fast

Store Leads Centrally

All Reports we Need

  • Inbound Leads
    • Google Analytics
    • Website Technical Audits
    • Website Traffic Audits
    • Position Tracking Report
    • Social Media Engagement Report
  • Outbound Leads
    • Contacts Generated Report
    • MQL: Marketing Qualified Leads
    • Leads Approached Vs. Responses – (Positive, Negative)
    • Medium Report (What is working?)
    • Lead Execution Report
  • Common
    • Lead Evaluation Report
    • Sales Generation Report (Total leads received, Lost, Won, Disqualified, etc)
    • Monthly Leads Generated Report

Approach to Generate Lead

Approach on LinkedIn

Continuing the message?

Approach on Email

  • Email templates and etiquette
  • Sample subject lines according to their categories
  • Dos & Don’ts – what to avoid when you are writing emails, etc

Approach on Calls

Best Practices – Dos and Don’ts

Tips & Guidelines (English, Communication)

How to Build Relations?

  • How to build relations with the potential contacts
  • How to talk to them?
  • How to identify whether they liked our discussion or not?
  • <JK Screenshots>

Material to be Shared with Leads

  • What documents we share
  • What we explain in the emails according to category

Lead Evaluation & Handover to Sales Team

  • Checklist to evaluate the lead
  • Identify the category of lead – Bronze, Gold, Platinum
  • Report to fill after evaluation
  • Real-time reporting to the entire team

How to Do a Lead Research?

  • List of activities to research a lead
  • Add to LinkedIn
  • Also send one message on LinkedIn about it

Handle Inbound Leads

We receive sign ups through our SEO and Digital Marketing efforts.

What to follow when you are approaching inbound leads?

Reports Needed in Approaching Stage

Leads Won, Lost, Disqualified

Intent Report:

  • New competitors
  • Challenges of our leads with current/traditional process
  • Pricing challenges
  • Content ideas for our website
  • Pain points of our customers

Lead Nurturing

  • Push all leads in lead nurturing
  • Send them regular emails through “Drip Email Marketing”

2. Sales Approach

From this stage, sales team will start contacting them to schedule a demo, etc

Approach Leads

Strong Followups – if no responses

Guidelines – Dos and Don’ts

Respond faster to your leads. Your faster actions will impress them

Show JK example of attendance app (Canada lead)

How to avoid getting trapped by customers which will impact on our company brand or image – Smartworks example

When to share company profile or references and when not

Schedule Demo

Standards to follow in the demo.

Create one agenda PPT share it with lead – this is important for Platinum and Gold leads. – Process

How to run perfect demos (checklist with sheet and QR code accesses)

Demo Request Process

Demo Guidelines Process

How to give demo best practices
– a quick overview (Video)
– simple flowchart
– Step by step execution
– create one slide with agenda
– share that with the customer
– after the demo share the MOM
– Ask correct questions – In demos always use meaningful form names like inspection

Follow standard while presenting demo

  • MWRI
  • Flow of app – submission from mobile -> Show backend (admin panel) -> Workflow (Email report) -> Dashboards, etc
  • <JK video of simplified way of explaining the Axonator platform>

After Demo Checklist

  • Send MOM
  • Fill the demo report in Axonator app
  • Keep everyone in CC – sales team, solutions team

Build PR with The Connectors/Decision Makers

How to Handle Objections

Technical Objections

Non-technical Objections

3. Pricing or Commercial Discussions

What is our Pricing?


Give some discounts on Quarterly and Yearly so they can opt for those options instead of monthly

Rate card sheet & Discount rate cards & Matrix to approve the discounts, etc

TBD: We also need pricing ready for on-prem, whitelable, etc & also decide about pricing page (country detection0

Negotiations Techniques

Project delivery process – inform sales team before delivery so they can recover or clear the remaining payments

Ask for advance payment to lock the customer

When to charge setup fee

About Free App Access

We ask for references

We ask for posting review on various sites – testimonials

Pro Tip:

When people ask you why you take setup fees whereas other competitors don’t. Your answer should be very clear that is because we customize for you and that is the benefit of customization as you get exactly what you need for your business. We are not in the business of selling hardcoded apps. Even though we have solutions that are ready but our core model is perfect app for your business. This answer is more applicable to bigger companies compared to smaller companies. Smaller companies just need whatever is there.
Our model is like Subway. We don’t have ready-made sandwiches, But we have all the ingredients ready.

4. Agreement/Po/Vendor Registration

How to access official documents of WhiteSnow for vendor registration – Process of Requesting for Official Documents

What should be there in the agreement – 90 days notice period, change requests, what to expect and what not, etc

5. Handover Customer to Solutions Team

Send a proper kick off email by introducing solution manager, then team member – process

Basically, I don’t want our team to make mistakes in communication – inform the client if there are mistakes/delays from their end, be proactive

At least acknowledge to messages and say things like I will get back to you shortly etc

Solution development standard process -> Requirement Gathering -> Build forms -> Collect Data for one or two weeks -> then go for report building, etc

Communicate -> emails, acknowledgement, etc Even if no progress, etc

Communication guideline – raise complaints to customers and notify them if delays are from their end

6. Retention of Client

How sales team is responsible for rentention

What is expects and what not

How to raise request to create invoices – Tax and Proforma invoices

When to share Tax and Proforma invoice

Sales team responsibility of keep in touch with customer for feedback, etc

Renewal responsibility of contract

Push all reminders in the system for renewal, etc

Process: need client engagement report for finance department for reminders, etc

7. Generic

Important credentials – Mailshake, Sonetel (US Phone Number), etc

Tawk – inquiry access

Reporting guidelines and standard format

  • Sales Monthly report (Leads contacted, lost, won, remarks)

Keep everyone updated – About All Sales Related Activities

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