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Solution Developer Training Program: Day #1 & Day #2


  1. The idea about the Role (Solution Developer)
    • Responsibilities of a Solution Developer:
      • The main responsibility of the solution developer is to get a clear understanding of the client’s requirements so that the final project will be exactly the way they want it to be. 
      • Propose different approaches to our customers in order to automate their crucial tasks such as inspections, surveys, audits, data collection, and many others. 
      • Thorough understanding of all client business processes to propose unique solutions that can digitize their forms, workflows and automate their complete process.
      • Completion of a business model after understanding all requirements & freezing them. 
      • Create a complete solution document and forward it to the developer team for building the required solution in Axonator.
      • Communicate with the client to deliver the app for the client’s testing, make changes as per the client’s suggestions after their testing, and deliver the final app which will go live.
  2. Process of Solution Development
    1. View this video to Learn:
      1. Solution Development Process
      2. Video Link: Solution Development Process
    2. Steps to follow during Building a Solution.
      • Requirement Gathering & Understanding.
      • Modeling.
      • Solution Document Creation.
      • Forms Creation.
      • Forms UAT.
      • Reports creation.
      • Reports UAT.
      • Workflows Creation.
      • Integration (If required).
      • Platform Customization Tasks (If required).
      • Testing (30% time of total Solution Building time).
      • Client Training by Solution Developer.
      • UAT app delivery process.
      • UAT Start and end.
      • Dashboard wireframes created & approved (If required).
      • Dashboard Creation.
      • Dashboard Demo.
      • Changes after UAT.
      • Final app delivery process.
      • Service Call (Weekly) & Support client when required.
  3. What is Axonator?
  4. QA session with Sushmita. (Review can be done by Vinay & Aarohi)
  5. Reporting during training period:
  6. Videos to understand Axonator in detail:
    1. At Axonator, we believe companies need a simpler, faster way to develop powerful solutions. In this video, Jayesh Kitukale, the founder of Axonator, speaks about our proprietary Axonator no-code/low code platform. The video sheds light on four Axonator components i.e., form builder, workflow builder, reports and dashboards, and integrators and connectors, and how these tools help companies develop powerful solutions in a simpler way.
      • View these videos to learn:
        1. What are the Axonator platform and how Axonator platform creates fast, smart and impactful business apps?
        2. How Axonator can be used to create enterprise-ready solutions
        3. More about Axonator features benefits, use cases, and implementation.
      • Video 1 Link: Axonator Platform.
      • Video 2 Link: Axonator Customized Solutions.
    2. Every business needs custom software to fulfill its specific business requirements. The Axonator low-code platform does exactly this with its pre-built components including a form builder, workflow builder, report & dashboard builder, and integrator & connectors. From these videos, you will understand these pre-built components including, their capabilities, and some possible use cases. 
      • View these videos to learn:
        1. What are Axonator components and how solution developers can use these components to create enterprise-ready solutions?
        2. More about platform capabilities, features, and their use cases.
      • Demo video 1 Link: Axonator Demo Part 1.
      • Demo video 2 Link: Axonator Demo Part 2.
    3. For more details, visit Axonator Channel: Axonator Channel Links.

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