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Axonator Platform FAQs

  1. Do you have projects in GCC or Kuwait?
    Ans: Projects are in the discussion and pilot phase. Our business head frequently travels to the Gulf countries for projects.
  2. Do you have parents in GCC or Kuwait?
    Ans: No presence in GCC. We planned to register in GCC later this year (due to Covid restrictions)
  3. Will you work with everyone or only partners?
    Ans: We are flexible with both options.
  4. Axonator is software, not a mobile app? Not available in apple and google store?
    Ans: Apps created using Axonator software runs inside the host app which is available on Apple and the play store.
    Axonator is a low-code platform using which we can build mobile apps for businesses to automate their business processes. Axonator app is available on both Google Play Store and Apple (app store). Users can download the app.
  5. If we can not download it from apple or google store? How we can publish the app?
    Ans: You have to download Axonator app from the play store or Apple store to run apps created using Axoantor app builder.
    Axonator app is available on the play store and app store however if there is a problem in downloading the app then we can provide you the app builds on the drive from where you can download.
  6. It can be an ERP? such as Odoo or Microsoft dynamic?
    Ans: Yes.
  7. What the roof of customization?
    Ans: There is no limit to the customizations if we use form scripting and custom server script. The platform has an extensible architecture. (note: Using Axonator we build the business apps and not like Facebook, Twitter, Chatting apps.
  8. What about the company’s Corporate identity: color, fonts, and logo? Can be used in Axonator
    Ans: Assuming this is about theming of an app – Yes, we can customize the colors, logo within the app. If you need a Whitelabel solution then that is also available. (pricing is different for Whitelabel and on-prem deployments)
    – If this is not a current assumption then please elaborate this question.
  9. What is the advantage of Axonator and why better than others?
    Ans: Axonator is the only company that provides product plus services. Many services companies are there but they don’t have a platform so their time and cost are higher. Many product companies are there but their product is not flexible and they can’t customize 100%. Axoantor is a truly unique zero-code platform that can provide you exactly what you need at a lesser cost compared to other options.
    Our core focus on mobile technology. Using Axonator we can automate any business processes that can be for facility management, quality management, inspections & approvals, field surveys, asset management, etc. Additionally, Axonator provides customization services where we understand your requirements to build the solution using our drag and drop platform and then do an additional 10-15% of code in order to fit the solution in your requirements specifications.
  10.  Any pricing Compare – Example:
    Ans: Odoo has ready apps which businesses are using as-is. We provide the customizable solution by understanding your requirements and challenges because every business works with unique processes so we fit our software in your needs precisely. So we have custom pricing which is dependant on various factors and not just apps.
  11.  Cloud service only?
    Ans: We have both cloud and on-prem deployment options available. (deploy on your own servers/your cloud)
  12. Support 24/7 ?
    Ans: Yes available.
  13.  Do we need an API for google map or any other integration?
    Ans: For Google map integration, the API is needed which has its free limitations. However, we can decide whether any cost involved here or not after receiving clear requirements from client about their usage of apps.
  14.  Currently, we use CAFM system for facilities management operations , can we replace it with Axonator? Can we insert the drawing and details of the facilities in the system ? can we get report? Pls provide us a sample copy 
    Ans: Yes we can replace your existing CAFM system with Axonator. We already working with Fortune 500 facility management services companies for our CAFM/CMMS/facility management software in India, the USA, UAE.
    – Yes the drawings, floor plans, etc can be added in the system. We can deliver the exact solution that suits your needs this is what our USP states.
    – Our system will generate all reports automatically and also send to relevant people in the organization or to the client as well. You also get the data on performance dashboard automatically.
    – Attach: Dashbord image, report samples, work orders on calendar, space management floor map, etc
  1. Can we integrated with website and E- Commence? Can Axonator build website?
    Ans: We can integrate with any platform only if the API is available.
    No, using Axonator we can not build the website. 
  1. Can we add Arabic language?
    Ans: Yes platform supports multiple languages. Arabic is also supported.
  1. Can we design client view user to monitor the operation in his business?
    Ans: Yes
  1. As the cost is a main factor we need the price, Odoo for example the price list is mentioned in their website with users cost:
    Ans: We can provide you the estimated pricing once we understand your requirements clearly. If you have list of your requirements please share that with us and we will provide you the rough estimates based on it.
  1. Is Axonator code less or zero code ?
    Ans: Axonator is both a zero-code and low-code platform. For complex solutions where complex workflows and reporting are involved, we use a low-code version of Axonator and for simple apps with low complexity, we use a zero-code version of the Axonator platform.
  1. Can we use it as monitoring vehicles? GPS tracker
    Ans: Yes. We can also integrate with the vehicle tracking system.
  1. What are the total apps of Axonator?
    Ans: Using Axonator we can build any business apps. Currently, 1000+ apps are ready, and that we customize according to client requirements or build it newly using our drag and drop platform.
  1. Can we use it from PC as well ?
    Ans: Yes you can use Axonator from PC (desktop) web browsers to access data, fill the form, export reports, see the dashboards, manage users and roles, etc.
  2. In your website 3 industries : Facilities + Manufacturing + Healthcare: please confirm
    Ans: Those are listed on the website however we provide solutions to several industries and there is limit as such on which industries we serve.

Things that I like: please confirm

Yes, data can be collected even if you are offline. It syncs back with the server once get internet connection.

Yes, we support integration with third party systems (if that can provide the API)

Yes, it works on all devices of Android, iOS and Desktop (web browsers)

Whitelabel option is available. The pricing is different for Whitelabel solution.
Yes, you can build any business apps that automates the business processes for any industry. Note: Apps like FB, Twitter, chatting apps are not possible to build using Axonator platform.

Things I did not like

Could not log in from the first time 

Ans: This might have caused due to low internet speed (my primary observation however I will check with the technical team)

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