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How to create the Mindmap?

Xmind tool is used to design the mind maps of any platform.
Mind mapping helps you think, collect knowledge, remember and create ideas. Most likely it will make you a better thinker.
The main idea, subject, or focus is crystallized in a central image. The main themes radiate from the central image as ‘branches’ The branches comprise a key image or key word drawn or printed on its associated line. Topics of lesser importance are represented as ‘twigs’ of the relevant branch.

How To Create a Mind Map in 4 steps

  1. Create a Central Idea –
    The central idea is the starting point of your Mind Map and represents the topic you are going to explore.
    This should be in the center of your page and can include an image or color that fits with your Mind Map’s topic. This draws attention and triggers associations, as our brains respond better to visual stimuli.
  2. Add branches to your map –
    The next step to get your creative juices flowing is to add branches. The main branches which flow from the central image are the key themes. You can explore each of the themes in greater depth by adding child branches.
    The beauty of a Mind Map is that you can keep adding new branches and you’re not restricted to just a few options. Remember, the way your Mind Map spans out will come naturally as you add more ideas and your brain freely draws new associations from the different concepts.
  3. Add keywords
    When you add a branch to your Mind Map, you will need to include a key idea. Try to keep this idea as brief as possible; this will allow you to spark off a greater number of associations, compared to longer more complex phrases.
  4. Include visual signifiers (e.g. images)
    Don’t forget to add images and other visual elements to your Mind Map as images have the power to convey much more information than a word, sentence or even an essay.

Mind maps can be created in many different ways, but they share the same basics:

  1. Central theme
  2. Associations
  3. Curved lines
  4. Keywords
  5. Proximity
  6. 7 associations
  7. Color & images

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