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Blog Buyer’s Persona

Follow this buyer’s persona while writing blog.

Steps to Follow:
1. Add this on top of the page
2. Write the details against each parameter
3. Once your mindset it perfect then start writing the blog


1What is the purpose of writing this blog?
2Type of Blog
3Who is the target audience of the blog?
4Which problems/solutions are you identifying in the blog?
5Geography of audience?
6What should be the ideal output if your target audience read this blog?
7Audience Type

Blog Types: Awareness, Conversion based, Comparison based, Informative, Conversational,…..(add more which I already told) 

Audience Types: 

  • Aware of their problems/challenges
    • Looking for a solution/software/ready solutions
    • Already have software but struggling
  • Not aware of their problems/challenges
    • Need Mobile – currently using desktop software
      • Web based system but not aware of mobilization 
      • Weak mobile app (hard coded)
      • very basic functionality
      • low investment done
      • lack of customizability but is important for their business case (Ex:Datamyte)
    • No solution
      • Not having any solution currently
    • Current Software Limitations
      • Living with the limitations of their current software

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