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Definition of Done

Definition of Done (DoD) meaning:
It’s a formal description of the state of increment when it meets the quality measures required for the product.
If PBI does not meet the DoD then it cannot be presented in Sprint Review and released to production too.

  • Example of DoD is as follows:
    1. Code Complete.
    2. Code is built with NO errors
    3. Code is refactored
    4. Code is reviewed, Unit tested on local and no open defects
    5. PR Accepted
    6. PR merged to QA
    7. Code unit tested on QA
    8. Code is tested in a QA environment and no open defects
    9. No increased technical debt
    10. Related documentation is complete
    11. QA, functional, UI, Performance, Load & Regression testing is complete, there are no open defects and meeting acceptance criteria
    12. Live on production
    13. Documented on Axonator University
    14. Usable by the end user
    15. Announced to the end user

We can define DoD at story level, Sprint level and Release level. We shall discuss this and finalise during our upcoming Sprint Planning meeting.

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