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Outline for Facility Management Slide Deck


Introducing the Axonator Platform

  • Axonator is a zero-code mobile-first rapid digital transformation platform
  • Award-winning interface
  • Built for mobiles from scratch

Why Axonator? What makes us stand apart from our competitors?

  • Mobile-first platform
  • Highly flexible and scalable apps, easy to modify
  • Client data is secured and SSO is enabled for convenience
  • Focused on delivering excellent client services,
  • Works on a hybrid model, (services + product)
  • offers modular solutions, you only choose modules that you need, making our apps cost-effective
  • Minimal training required, apps can be rapidly deployed
  • Clients do not need to make any investment in IT infrastructure to use our apps
  • Available in major languages (can be pitched to multinational clients)
  • Works across platforms (on both the Android and the iOS), just develop the app once and use it on either platform
  • Intuitive and award-winning interface understood easily by the field staff

Problems We Solve

Axonator FM app delivers ready-made, off-the-shelf mobile apps to streamline your FM operations, some of the problems we solve are given below.

  • replacing cumbersome and outdated processes like using pen and paper/excel sheets for conducting data collection, inspection, building maintenance, housekeeping, and various other tasks into highly efficient and automated processes using digital forms and automation workflows
  • eliminating the problem of poor visibility of facility managers and top management regarding the tasks performed by the field staff spread across various building sites in multiple locations
  • introducing a highly structured and systematic FM process encouraging better coordination, both internally and between the field staff and office HQ to eliminate poor execution, sub-par service quality, and cost and time escalations.
  • Reducing delays in solving pressing issues, like a faulty elevator or disruptions in electricity supply in buildings.

Use Cases

  • Inspections and approvals
  • Audits (energy audits, process audits, risk assessment audits)
  • Soft services like housekeeping
  • Technical services like maintenance and inspection of DG sets, HVAC systems, and other critical building services
  • Space management
  • Attendance Management
  • Work Order Management
  • Helpdesk Management
  • Inventory Management
  • Energy Management

Features of Axo FM App Our FM Clients Love

  • Image Annotation
  • Offline availability
  • High level of data security
  • Seamless Integration with any third party platforms to further enhance performance
  • Dashboard view for better and effective visualization of KPIs, etc. vital for decision-makers


  • High adoption rates
  • Rapid deployment
  • Cost-effective
  • Significant increase in employee productivity/efficiency
  • Reduce attrition rates by increasing employee engagement through our apps
  • Make data-driven decisions fast to gain a decisive competitive edge
  • Increased visibility, get to know the real picture of what is happening on site
  • Increased employee efficiency and productivity
  • Positive impact on your bottom line

Industries Where Axo FM App is Deployed

  • Facility management operations for residential and commercial buildings
  • Airports
  • Public institutions like college campuses
  • Coworking spaces
  • Manufacturing

How Axo FM App is Different From Traditional Apps/Comparison Chart

  • Apps developed by using traditional development methods take a long time to code and design.
  • Design and development processes may take months.
  • Time and costs overruns are common.
  • Axo FM App is developed using the Axonator zero-code micro app platform
  • Development time and resource requirements are minimal as compared with the traditional app development process
  • Micro apps are flexible and not bulky and rigid as compared with traditional apps

List of Our Happy Customers Using Axo FM App

What Next?

  • Understanding your challenges
  • How we can help you with the Axo FM app?
  • We can schedule demos
  • What are your expectations in demos?
  • Send over list?


  • How did you find the demo?
  • Did it meet your expectations?
  • What else would you like us to add in the slide deck?
  • How can we improve?


Minimal use of text in the slide deck, entire presentation to be visually rich, with relevant graphics and form examples to illustrate the working of our apps to the client


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