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Axonator Product & Engineering Team

We will make one doc: Introduction to Axonator Product R&D
It will outline all our principles, way of working etc

Quarter-wise goals for the R&D team

July 2021: research on tech, planning and POCs only
August and September full fledged development and delivery starts following the new Processes & Automations (P&A) which includes DevOps etc

We will convert our engineering team into Product R&D team from now on. One must remember the shift is important because R&D means equal and strong emphasis is given on research before the development starts. Jumping on the code is not the right approach for a great product.

Our goal is to make a perfect product R&D team with perfect automation and processes to avoid all wastage of efforts and make product highly stable, secure, scalable, available and accessible.

While doing this research it is important to cut the cost. We don’t want to spend too much on tools because the cost will rise later. As discussed we might need a data center (one hardware machine in-house/on-Prem to start with) where we can install various software like canvas LMS and so on. Also QA and Stage can go on to this machine as we discussed yesterday.

Product R&D department member roles include studying product market and converting the need in the market into a finely engineered product.
Finely engineered means:
Right product

Standard Tools for R&D Team:

  1. Xmind
  2. Automation tools

Separate product support team.
New structure:
Product R&D team: those who can think high level items above coding. Like architecture, new processes, new features (continuously)
Product engineering team: those who can implement based on design but can’t think about future of the product or processes. If they can demonstrate that ability they will be promoted to R&D
Product support team: maintaining and bug fixing. If they can do proper planning and code documents etc expected from engineering team then they can be promoted to engineering team

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