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How to set the user form in the app

Steps to add the User form:

  1. Create a form, named as “User“.
  2. Drag and drop three text boxes in the form:
    a. First name – Set input type as Plain text.
    b. Last name – Set input type as Plain text.
    c. Email – Set input type as Email.
  3. Add below keys in the app manifest.
    a. user_form_id – Pass the user form id as a value to this key.
    For example: {“user_form_id”:12345}
    b. user_email_field_id – Pass the email field identifier as a value from the user form.
    For example: {“user_email_field_id”:”Email”}
    c. user_first_name_field – Pass the First name field identifier as a value from the user form.
    For example: {“user_first_name_field”: “First_Name”}
    d. user_last_name_field – Pass the Last name field identifier as a value from the user form.
    For example: {“user_last_name_field”: “Last_Name”}
  4. Save all the form (Asset and Action). This will add creator fields in all the forms.

Note: Click on the “My Apps” button after submitting user form data, this will add the creators in all the data records.

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