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How to Give User’s Count to Finance Team

General Steps:
1. Log in to the Web Axonator
2. Go to the Users Tab
3. Count the Active Users (Exclude the Axonator User’s)
4. Give count to the Finance Team

Millennium User’s Count:

1. There are two counts for Millennium Users:
a. Checklist Users
b. Audit Users
2. Check if any new users have been added or removed(Check the App logs)
3. Check the form permission for that user(If added)
4. According to the form permission(Audit/ Checklist) consider that user for Audit or Checklist or for both
5. Here is the User Report

Energenius User’s Count:
1. There are two apps for this Project
a.   Meter Reading Application (CNP-Unipg)
b. Meter Reading Application (CNP-AsurMarche)
2. The Admin Matteo Gerola ( is in both of the apps. Consider this user for any one of the application(Don’t count him twice)

Energenius Submissions Count:
1. Go to the Tasks Tab
2. Apply Date filter to give submissions count (Monthly)


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