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General used form script functions

You can use this function to close the form with a message. Works in asset & action forms.

function on_load(ws)

ws.closeForm(JSON.stringify({"t": "Warning","Close": "The form will get closed"}));

You can use this function to give a pop up message. Works in asset & action forms.

function on_submit(ws)
ws.showAlert(JSON.stringify({"t": 'Show Alert Function',"m": 'prompt ' + 'Response',"tp": 'Warning'}));

You can use this function to give a warning pop up. Used to set warnings in the form. Used mostly in on_submit. Works in asset & action forms.

function on_submit(ws)
ws.setGeneralWarning(JSON.stringify({"t": 'Warning',"m": 'General warning' + 'On Submit',"tp": 'warning'}));

You can use this function to give an error pop up. Used to set errors in the forms. Used mostly in on_submit. Works in asset & action form. This will prevent you from submitting the form.

function on_submit(ws)
var val = ws.setGeneralError(JSON.stringify({"t": 'Error',"m": 'prompt ' + 'General Error_On Submit',"tp": 'error'}));

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