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App login/Account Manifest Keys

Where to set the Account manifest?

  1. Login to the admin site with the admin credentials.
    For QA –
    For Stage –
    For Production –
  2. Click on the “Accounts” table.
  3. Search for the account id for which you need to set the manifest.
  4. Scroll down, you will get the “Manifest” section, refer to the below screenshot-

5. Set the form manifest and click on the Save button.

Below are the Account manifest keys-

#FeaturesWebAndroidiOSIs Property/ Widget/Step added?Possible valuesDescriptionFull Form
1lte (app login)NoYesNotrue/falselocation tracking enabledLocation Tracking Enabled
2ida (app login)NoYesYestrue/falseis Adhoc Task Creation EnableIs Data Accessible
3dfm (app login)NoYesNo(0,’Wizard’)
is Default Form InlineDefault Form Mode
4ifse (app login)NoYesNotrue/falseThe Settings icon visibility while filling the form in mobile appis Form Settings Enabled
5itua (app login)NoYesNotrue/falseVisibility for user status beside the sync buttonis Task User Available
6delete_apps_on_logoutNoYesNotrue/falseThis key is used to configure whether to delete the apps every time you logout from the app and login with the same user. If the user is different after next login, the host app will delete all apps no matter this value.
7isFormCachingEnableNoYesNotrue/falseForm caching will start on login. Required for visibility, validity conditions, reference filter, and some form script functions.
8oud (Organization updated date in app sync)YesNo1697597696Organization (account) updated timestamp in Unix epoch format, which represents the number of seconds since January 1, 1970 (UTC)Organization Update Date
9uud (User updated date in app sync)YesNo1697597696Logged in user’s last updated timestamp in Unix epoch format, which represents the number of seconds since January 1, 1970 (UTC)User Update Date
10uobsYesYesNoeligible: true/false,
completed: true/false,
restarted: true/false,
current_step: view_data/ draft_data/ data_wait/ submit_data/ publish_app/ create_form/ create_app/ has_both_devices,
show_form_tutorial: true/false,
{ “form_id”: 1234,
“app_id”: 4321}
User Onboarding Status
11humanize_date_timeYesNoNo“yyyy-mm-dd”You need to set the date format as value to this key. The date time displays in the mobile app will use this format instead of the default “3 minutes ago” humanize format at all the places.
YesNo[“”, “”]This will send the reset password link to the email mentioned in the value to this key.
13“import_record_limit”YesNoNoNo1000set limit on import Data
14“connectionString”YesNANANo“Server=localhost; Port=3306; user=root; password=root; Database=axodb; Pooling=false;”To use different db as reporting db than the default “<env>_<appvid>” databaseReporting Database Connection String
15timezoneYesNANAYes“US/Eastern”, “Asia/Kolkata”To convert datetime, timestamp, field values to local time in PDF/excel reportsAccount/Organization timezone
16Export Settings:

Earlier used to configure whether to add the system info for each record in data export. Based on the check/uncheck, extra columns would be added at the end in export. Now it is managed through data export column selection UI in x1.
Submitted By
Submitted On
Data Submitted Location
17aotpYesNANANoTrue/FalseShows On time payment button in Pricing plans page in X1 to be able to make one time payment for customers with custom payment terms. But this is not used by any client so far (12/2023).Allow one time payment
18block_sizeYesNANANo5Increases the # of users being purchased by this much count on recurring subscription page in X1. Configured in X1 settingsUser Block Size

Example JSON:

Account setting












    “delete_apps_on_logout”: true,












ida = isAdhocTaskCreationEnable

dfm = isDefaultFormInline

ifse = isFormSettingEnabled

itua = isTaskUserAvailable

uobs = onboarding

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