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Project Status Report

What Does A Project Status Report Include?

In your status report, you must include the following:

  1. Project Name / Client Name –
    This step should be obvious. Make sure you record WHO the report is for and WHAT the report entails (ie. what project).
  2. Project Vision –
    This should be a simple sentence about what your project is and what the main goal/vision is. A 10,000ft view. The good news, is that once it’s done – you won’t need to revise it.
    Launch a mobile app by January 2022 that allows customers to do the HIV survey as having the highest quality & best data collection product in its category.
  3. Project Health –
    There are a few different ways you can spin this, but I quite like the “stoplight method”. Green for good. Yellow for some issues. Red for this is a hot mess. A note to support is always helpful.
    Green: We’ve obtained approval on dashboard designs. No budget concerns at this time.
    Yellow: The dashboard designs need significant revisions, therefore the final delivery date has been delayed by 1 week.
    Red: The dashboard iplementation has drastically turned complex than estimated since starting. We need to set-up a meeting to establish a wants/wishes for the project .
  4. What We Completed This TIMEFRAME –
    These should be listed in bullet format. Keep these short & simple. They’re not Jira tickets. Don’t explain the “how” just what.
    Obtained approval for 3 drip email designs
  5. What We Plan To Complete Next TIMEFRAME –
    Clear, precise task list here presented in bullet format.
    Develop the three emails
    Perform internal QA & testing
    Pass off to client QA & testing
  6. Issues/Roadblocks –
    This is where you can raise any red flags or obstacles keeping you from moving forward.
    If we do not obtain client feedback by 06/02, we will be in trouble of not being able to deliver the app to the client the same day they want to go live.
  7. Upcoming Tasks & Milestones –
    A 10000 ft view of what’s going on. Is there anything that the viewer should review? What’s coming up next?
    dd/mm: Client QA & Testing
    dd/mm: Email Deployment

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