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Clients and their features

ClientsFeaturesNeed to test
RDS Form Script If any changes are made in any function of the form script then check in the client app once.
Custom ScriptCheck only if any changes are made in that particular custom script.
Workflow stepsIf any changes are made in the workflow execution or steps, then check all the steps which are used in the client app with all scenarios in which the client workflow is designed.
Face verification widgetCheck this widget functionality if any changes are done in this widget and form script.
Language widget Check this widget functionality if any changes are done in this widget and form script.
Custom DashboardCheck only if any UI or dashboard changes are done.
ITP (Index Testing) Form Script If any changes are made in any function of the form script then check in the client app once.
Adhoc Submissions If any changes are made in the workflow execution or steps, then check
1. Ad-hoc submissions with all scenarios in which the client workflow is designed.
2. Reverse ad-hoc submissions.
Widget shortcutCheck always when a new build is going to be released.
Button widget Check always when a new build is going to be released.
Enable data validityCheck always after the production update.
Child widgetCheck if any changes are made in form widgets execution on the mobile side. Check in asset and action form both.
Update object stepCheck only if any changes are made in this step functionality.
SchedulerCheck if any changes are made in this module.
1. Check for the child widget.
2. Check by updating the events from the calendar view.
3. Check events on calendar view and event details.
Custom script Check only if any changes are made in that particular custom script.
Custom Dashboard Check if any UI or dashboard changes are done.
List filterCheck only if any changes are made in the reference widget and searchable property.
Access permissionCheck after any change in this feature or user module.
CLRAdhoc submissionsCheck ad-hoc submissions if any changes are made in workflow execution.
1. Ad-hoc submissions with all scenarios in which the client workflow is designed.
2. Reverse ad-hoc submissions.
Generate documentCheck if any changes are made in generate document step.
Custom Dashboard Check if any UI or dashboard changes are done.

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