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Post-Solution Development

Create single or bulk QR codes

To create single QR code:

To create bulk QR codes:



  • Auto height by inspect.
  • Correct identifier.
  • Different ways- long sentence.
  • Different process.
  • Data erase after save in WF or form.
  • Test by SolDev.
  • Test by QA.
  • Review by Manager/BA.
  • Testing ways in process where Workflow start on asset and end on action form:
  • Example
    1. Raise Issue (Asset Form)- Resolve Issue (Action Form).
    2. Submit Raise Issue from Mobile- Submit Resolve Issue from mobile.
    3. Submit Raise Issue from Mobile- Submit Resolve Issue from Web (tasks- complete tasks).
    4. Submit Raise Issue from Web- Submit resolve Issue from Web tasks- complete tasks).
    5. Submit raise issue from Web- submit resolve issue from mobile.


Import Users

Migrate Data

Migrate forms, workflow and reports from version to version

Please refer below sample sheet to send details to developers which they will use to migrate form, workflow and reports
Make sure you have changes the email ids in WF from send email step.

Training on Error Emails (Responsible: Aarohi/Anuj)


  • POC Process:
    • Approval
    • Consumption format
    • Duration
    • Users count
  • POC:
    1. Approval on start of POC (ask POC duration and user count).
    2. Train client on how to use application.
    3. give ready apps access to client.
    4. Send Consumption Report daily during POC Period.
    5. Ask for feedback at POC end.
    6. give support call next day and after 2/3 days.

Dashboard wireframe creation and Dashboard Finalizing Process

Product Enhancement

Interesting facts: Form icons can be changes anytime

On site training or meeting checklist

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