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Day 1 Training
Start of the Day:
Onboarding process & HR documentation

Middle of the Day:
Tell them to Watch below video. Make sure to tell new joinee the importance of the video

Please check the below video:

End of the day:

  • Q&A session with new joinee to understand whether they have understood Day 1 training topics
    1. Where we can use Axonator? Is there any industry where we cannot use Axonator?
    2. What does Axonator do?
    3. Please tell me what is ‘Axonator Dream’
    4. What are Axonator’s core Values?
  • Once the Q&A session is over, clear the new joiner’s doubts.
  • New joinee should submit learnings over email (To Reporting Manager, CC: JP (Sales Head)


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