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Offer to Office Flow

This flow will be followed by HR department to make sure person will join once accept the offer.

  1. Offer sent to the candidate – only email confirmation & not an actual offer
  2. Do continuous followups after offer along with fake call
  3. We keep them engaged throughout the period, including pre onboarding, inviting them to Saturday learning events, invite them to our Hrm software to fill details, etc
  4. Ask them for documents and resignation (add in BCC or send screenshot)
  5. send laptop etc few weeks before so we know their intention and can remove problematic one right away instead on joining day
  6. in fake call our TA team take extra step and tell we will offer same salary on contract basis, even tell them that current offer he has is good etc so they should feel whatever he has in hand is good
  7. Listen to the zoom call and come up with questions for requirements validation discussion
  8. Queue will be prioritized and we will pick leads from this queue
  9. Requirements will be analyzed and questions list will be created
  10. Requirements validation call will be set with the lead
  11. Demo with proper features as expected by the lead
  12. Demo amendments if required
  13. Proposal will be shared with the lead
  14. Commercial discussion with negotiation
  15. Lead closure
  16. Joined successfully

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