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To enable the app user to upload various types of documents while filling the form, a document widget can be added to your form.

Generate Public URL for Accessing Photos

Generate Public URL for Accessing Photos is a property that can be set to ‘Yes,’ if you want to export data to some other platform in future.

If the property is set to ‘No,’ the images will not be visible when the data is exported.

For example, when you set the property as ‘Yes’ and export the data later into a spreadsheet, images can be seen in the sheet. Otherwise, images will not be seen.

Allowed File Types

The document widget supports the below list of file types:

  • doc
  • docs
  • pdf
  • xls
  • xlsx
  • ppt
  • pptx
  • odt
  • txt
  • html

By default only PDF documents are allowed. But the allowed types can be decided at the time of designing the form and many or all of the above types can be set for this widget. The allowed file types can be specified as the comma separated list of the above types.

E.g doc, docs, pdf, txt

File Size Limit

The size limit can be specified in MB, for the document to be uploaded in this widget. E.g if this property’s value is set to 5.5, the app user will only be able to upload the document with the size less than 5MB while filling the form from the mobile device.

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