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How To Update Server?

  • SSH to Desired Server, Refer to this Article.
  • For Production Update following instances
  • For Dev/QA/Stage
    • AX-QA
    • AX-DEV
    • AX-STAGE
  • Activate the virtual environment.
    • source axonatorvirtualenv/bin/activate
  • Go to source code directory
    • cd code
  • Updating Code
    • git fetch --all
    • git reset --hard origin/{branch}
  • Migrate if any migrations 
    • python migrate axonator
  • Collect static files
    • python collectstatic --noinput
  • Restart Celery ServiceOnly for AX-PROD-CELERY Instances
    • ps aux | grep -ie 'celery worker' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
    • sudo service axonator-celery start
    • sudo service axonator-celery status
  • Restart Gunicorn ServiceOnly for AX-PROD-APP-AUTO-SCALING-GROUP Instances
    • sudo service axonator-gunicorn restart
    • sudo service axonator-gunicorn status
  • Check status
    • sudo service axonator-celery status
    • sudo service axonator-celery-priority status
    • sudo service axonator-gunicorn status
  • Minify and Deploy the Angular app
    • Go to the base directory of the code
    • Execute the following commands
      • node minify/minifyAll.js QA – For QA
      • node minify/minifyAll.js Stage – For Stage
      • node minify/minifyAll.js PRODUCTION – For Production
    • This will deploy all files and invalidate it

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