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How to do standup meeting on slack?

When you are in the office you need to do the standup up meeting first.

What is standup meeting?

A stand-up meeting is a short meeting between a team that is held on foot. The goal is to go over important tasks that have been finished, are in progress, or are about to be started. It is also known as daily stand-up.
This can be done in person or on slack

How to do it on slack?

You will get a reminder 30 mins before the meeting is about to start on the DixiApp added on the slack. Refer to the below screenshot –

At the time of the Standup meeting, you will get the questions one by one. Once you answer the populated question, it will give you further questions to answer. For example: The first question comes up as – “Which tickets did you work on yesterday & what exactly did you work?“. You can answer this question by typing in the textbox given below and hit enter, it will get submitted.

How to answer the questions?

Format –

  1. Ticket link from Jira – Ticket summary from Jira
    Add the bullet points about what you did in that ticket, a detailed explanation and if there is a discussion then add a discussion topic and a little conclusion if possible.
  2. Ticket link from Jira – Ticket summary from Jira
    Add the bullet points about what you did in that ticket, a detailed explanation and if there is a discussion then add a discussion topic and a little conclusion if possible.

Refer to the screenshot below –

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