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Form script to open the form in the given time slot


Form script to open the form in the given time slot. In the below form script the time slot is specified with the variable “min_hour & min_min”. In below form script I have mentioned “min_hour = 9 & min_min = 15”. So, Here we can submit this form from 09:00 to 09:15. Here we have used the time format of 24 hours so this time will be taken as morning time.

function val(ws, identifier) {
return ws.getWidgetValue(identifier);

function setGeneralError(ws, identifier, title, response, type, tag) {
if (response) {
var prompt = "";
if (identifier != "")
var prompt = ws.getWidgetPrompt(identifier) + "\n\n";
if (type == "error")
ws.setGeneralError(JSON.stringify({"t": title,"m": prompt + response,"tp": type}));
else if (type == "warning")
ws.setGeneralWarning(JSON.stringify({"t": title,"m": prompt + response,"tp": type}));

function showAlert(ws, identifier, title, response, type, tag) {
if (response) {
var prompt = "";
if (identifier != "")
var prompt = ws.getWidgetPrompt(identifier) + "\n\n";
ws.showAlert(JSON.stringify({"t": title,"m": prompt + response,"tp": type}));
} else {

function on_load(ws){
widget_identifier = 'Timestamp'
close = check_time_restriction(ws, widget_identifier)
var json_value = JSON.stringify({'t':'Not able to fill form.','m':'Form can only be filled in between 9 to 9:15 AM'})

function on_submit(ws){
  close = check_time_restriction(ws,'')
setGeneralError(ws, '', 'General Error', 'Form can only be filled in between 9 to 9:15 AM', 'error',1);
var json_value = JSON.stringify({'t':'close form','m':'Form can only be filled in between 9 to 9:15 AM'})

function check_time_restriction(ws,widget_identifier){
min_hour = 9
min_min = 15
if (widget_identifier){
var timestamp = val(ws,widget_identifier);
var reggie = /(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2}) (\d{2}):(\d{2})/;
var dateArray = reggie.exec(timestamp);
   timestamp_date = new Date(Date.UTC(dateArray[1],dateArray[2],dateArray[3],dateArray[4],dateArray[5],0,0))
timestamp_date = new Date()
    var hours = timestamp_date.getHours();
    var mins = timestamp_date.getMinutes();
if(min_hour != parseInt(hours) || parseInt(mins) > min_min){
return true
return false

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