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Lead Conversion Journey

we need to formalize our lead journey from getting lead till conversion.
The process will be something like this:

  1. Got new lead. Lead will enter into a queue.
  2. Listen to the zoom call and come up with questions for requirements validation discussion
  3. Queue will be prioritized and we will pick leads from this queue
  4. Requirements will be analyzed and questions list will be created
  5. Requirements validation call will be set with the lead
  6. Demo with proper features as expected by the lead
  7. Demo amendments if required
  8. Proposal will be shared with the lead
  9. Commercial discussion with negotiation
  10. Lead closure
  11. Project kick off

During all these steps clients will get regular updates via email about our process and where the lead stands in the process. At each step the email will educate the lead why we take these steps.
Benefits of above prices:
Better and impressive client demos resulting into higher conversion rate.
Client will know what to expect and not get frustrated.
Client will be impressed with our professionalism.

The leads which don’t want to wait for demos for their client requirements are not our clients.

Leads with simple demo will be in separate queue and have less wait times.

VK document this process. We will design email templates for these steps on Sunday with some visual graphics.
Status updates will use green tick format also.

Tip: if we dont know much about requirements, then tell them we want to Know more about your requirements. So they will feel that we know the basic stuff.

New points to add:

Send email and calendar invite both to lead.
Also send one reminder email one day before or so.

Meeting title must be clear like: Requirements Validation Call with APC – sending here for our process improvements.

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