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App Manifest Keys

Where to set the app manifest?

  1. Go to the Home tab from the left menu on App builder.
  2. Click on the App Setting tab.
  3. Long press the Edit button for 5 secs.
  4. App Manifest section will be visible, please refer to the below screenshot-

5. Set the manifest and click on Save.

Below are the App manifest keys-

Sr#KeysWebAndroidiOSIs Property/ Widget/ Step added?Possible valuesExampleDescription
1disable_offline_accessNoYesNoNotrue/falseVisibility for “make offline” button in settings.
2user_email_field_idYesYesYesNoemail field identifier{
“user_email_field_id”: “Email”
Email field identifier from user form.
3user_form_idYesYesYesNouser form id{
To identify user form in the app. Can be only one
4master_listsYesYesNoform ids{
Prevent deletion of form data on publish and clear data.
5hidden_formsNoYesNoform ids{
To hide the forms from mobile and web app in Fill Forms sections.
YesYesYesNorole idTo assign the referral follow up task to a particular role of the user. Used in a custom script
It will get added automatically once you add the calendar behavior in the form. Visibility of calendar tab on phone.
8Disable data sync(disable_data_sync)NoYesNoYestrue/falseIf true: Disables data sync for the app.
9Delete data after sync (data_delete_on_sync)NoYesNoYestrue/falseData will be deleted after the submission.
No[form_id1, form_id2…]{
“all_report_form_sequence”:[1234, 4567, 6789]
In “All data export”, all forms will be in the given sequence.
“exclude_media_in_export”: true
To exclude media files from the “All data export”.
12“form_sequence”NoYesNoNoform ids“form_sequence”:[
To sequence the forms in the app.
NoYesNoNoFor Position “1 to 4”, and for max_item_list “1 to 15”. “home_container”: [
“position”: “1”,
“max_item_list”: “5”,
“type”: “Action List”
To change the position of the sections (Actions List, My Tasks, Drafts) under the Home tab on the mobile app.

Position: To change the position of sections of the Home tab.
Max_item_list: To show the maximum number of items to be listed in a particular section (set no’s from 1 to 15).
14“icon_sequence”: [
“position”: “4”
NoYesNoNoFor Positions “1 to 9”“icon_sequence”: [
“position”: “4”,
“type”: “Drafts”
To change the position of the icons from the menu at the bottom of the mobile app.

Position: To change the position of icons (set no’s from 1 to 9)
15“enable_data_validity”YesNoNoNo true/false {
“enable_data_validity”: true
If this key is true, then it will show a toggle of “Valid/Invalid“ in front of the records in the data and task tab.
When the toggle of Asset data is set as invalid, then actions/tasks related to this asset will be disabled and will not be included in export.
When the toggle of action/task data is set as invalid, then only invalid action/task will be disabled and will not be included in export.
“use_x2_webform”: true/false
If this key is true, then after clicking on X1 Fill form user will redirect to X2 fill form page.
17“hide_edit_btn”YesNANANotrue/falseTo hide/show Edit button in builder and container ui in data list in web
18generate_report_on_submitNAYesNoNotrue/falseTo show the PDF report button in mobile app to generate PDF report for drafted/submitted formobject
19report_templateNAYesNoNoAxTemplate db record ID“1234”The template to be used for generating the PDF report in mobile app if generate_report_on_submit flag is checked for the form
20app_activation_dateYesNomm-dd-yyyy“1-31-2024”Can be used for filters as “from date”, when “Before or equal to” date filter is selected

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