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Pre-Demo Checklist

Strictly follow the steps before starting the demo:

Pre-Demo Checklist

  1. Test the app & solution before your demo
  2. Open all presentations
  3. Open QR codes
  4. Open images

Demo/Meeting Checklist

  • Suggest transport options
  • Send email to lead that we are on the way and reach on time
  • JK visiting cards
  • iPad with all the links
  • Laptop & iPad charged?
  • Dongle charged?
  • Mobile charged?
  • Internet alternatives
  • Laptop bags
  • Coat + Shoes
  • Different tablets for showing demos
  • Consider parking time before leaving for meeting
  • Jayesh laptop and laptop bag
  • Alternative laptops
  • HDMI Connector
  • Car petrol
  • Car air
  • Water bottle in the car
  • Cash
  • All iPad docs must be at my laptop & must be easy to access
  • Send MOM immediately
  • Formal Attire

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